So for the past couple days I haven't had my camera only because I thought I had lost it. To make a long story short it turns out that my mom had actually taken my camera off my desk and never told me.
I looked everywhere when I thought I lost it but I knew I had placed it somewhere it would not be lost. So I ended re-buying the same camera my mom has, plus a 8GB SDHC memory card. All and all at least now I have my own camera until I get a Cannon for the most part haha.
I was kinda scared to ask my mom and dad if they had seen the camera, but only if I had asked first then I would not have bought the same camera from ebay wasting my money. Arghh but its all good.
Game 1 of the Western Conference Finals Lakers and Nuggets
Lakers all the way! Either 4-1 or 4-2
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Posted by solefresh at 2:36 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Pretty much woke up late yesterday haha. My mom ended going to my aunts house early in the morning since my aunt came by in the morning.
I thought I'd wake up around 10, but clearly was to tired. I woke up around 12 and took a shower. Then around 12:45 I left. As I was going down the stairs, I noticed a packaged had arrived in a shoe box.
It was my 01 black cement 3's that I won on ebay for $255 shipped. The seller shipped it pretty fast or usps was pretty fast. Only took two days lol. Probably because the guy lived in Sunnyvale.
Some pics from yesterday. Picked up my cousins from school then got some Mcdonalds. Then afterward went to work and got off at 12 am.

Posted by solefresh at 2:44 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Whats good. Been thinking about blogging for a long time now.
The only thing that stopped me from making one was that I never had a good camera or at least a dslr. I'm currently using a point and shoot camera but it'll work for now.
Anyways it 2:50 Am and I'm still up, only because I usually sleep in the AM unless I have to work early. Currently on aim talking to my good friend Christopher, aka Tando.
That's pretty much it, but today around 9 I'm taking my mom to my aunts house to help decorate and cook for my uncles surprise party that my aunt is throwing him on Saturday. Probably post some pictures up later.
Posted by solefresh at 2:37 AM 0 comments