Tuesday, May 19, 2009


So for the past couple days I haven't had my camera only because I thought I had lost it. To make a long story short it turns out that my mom had actually taken my camera off my desk and never told me.

I looked everywhere when I thought I lost it but I knew I had placed it somewhere it would not be lost. So I ended re-buying the same camera my mom has, plus a 8GB SDHC memory card. All and all at least now I have my own camera until I get a Cannon for the most part haha.

I was kinda scared to ask my mom and dad if they had seen the camera, but only if I had asked first then I would not have bought the same camera from ebay wasting my money. Arghh but its all good.

Game 1 of the Western Conference Finals Lakers and Nuggets
Lakers all the way! Either 4-1 or 4-2