Thursday, August 13, 2009


Well well...Had work at 1pm and got off earlier than I was suppose to get off because I finished all my work duties and got bored. Plus I went bowling with a bunch of friends at Forrest lanes. We had to wait forever to get a lane.

But luckily I saw this guy finishing his game, so I went to go ask him if we could use his lane or buy us games so that way we could bowl right away instead of waiting hella long. Ended up playing on his friends lane haha but worked out anyway.

I only got to bowl 1 game because I had to pick up my mother, stupid older brother didn't reply to any of my texts to see if he could pick up my mom until my third text he said he was out.

Anywhoo...I picked up my mom from work, dropped her off, then headed back to Lake Forrest where I had eaten with Tando, Tyler, Ryan, Sean, and Misty.

Here are the pictures..

Tylers big hands trying to steal my Sobe
The line up.
California Burrito Oh Chyeah
Done son!