Saturday, July 18, 2009

<3 Jeans.

Just got a second pair of raw jeans. Naked and Famous Natural Indigo Revival Selvedge. While my cousin was in Las Vegas, he went shopping and told me how he copped a pair of naked and famous and a pair of nudies. I was like whaaat?! So I told him to cop me a pair of the Naked and Famous and I would pay him back.

His mom ended up buying it for me without me paying her back. I had the money to pay her back but she was like just split it with your two brothers. I was like uhh...ok. But it was whatevers haha. I only gave my two brothers 20 each lol. Hey the jeans were on sale for 65 so it was a good deal.

Oh also my girlfriend is in vegas right now but coming back tommorow. She got me a pair of nudies! Im pretty stoked. Cant wait to see them. Will take pictures when I get em.
