Friday, July 31, 2009

7.31.09 Almost August deng..

Yoooo so last night I had to close and got off around 12:15 then left and went home to change. Then picked up Tyler because we went bowling with Tando, Misty, Mike, Mike's friend, and Ryan. It was a fun night as usual. I mean who doesn't love bowling shoot. But anyway didn't get home till 4:25 am. Then slept around 5am because I was watching Saved by the Bell. One of my favorite all time shows from back in the day next to Boy Meets World.

Anywhoo I slept late then woke up hella late. I Woke up at like 2pm giving me only an 1 and a half to do nothing till I go to work at 3:30 haha suckkkks. Oh well, at least I get to go to Universal Studios tomorrow. As I woke up my mom had cooked some filipino food. She cooked some pork sinagang, and some chicken adobo. Some pictures ...

With a ice cold Arizona, Rasberry flavor.
Topped off with some grapes and cherries.